Josué Moreau

I’m a PhD student in the Toccata Inria team from the LMF laboratory (Paris-Saclay University).
My advisor is Guillaume Melquiond.

E-mail josue.moreau [at] inria [dot] fr

Github josuemoreau


I’m interested in programming languages, compilation and formal proofs.

During my PhD, I’m working on Capla, a programming language dedicated to writing low-level computer algebra libraries (e.g., GMP, BLAS, FFTW). This language is designed to be safe and to ease deductive program verification, while being low-level enough to be suitable for this kind of computationally intensive applications. I’m also developing a compiler for this language. It uses the CompCert formally verified compiler as a backend. The semantics of Capla, as well as the proofs of safety and compiler correctness, have been formalized with the Rocq Prover.

